
Aufsätze I Bücher I Herausgegebene Buchreihen
Publications in journals | Books | Issued book series

Aufsätze / Publications in journals

Hoffmann, C., Gürtler, M., Fendel, J., Lahmann, C., & Schmidt, S. (2024). Assessment of Movement Synchrony and Alliance in Problem-Focused and Solution-Focused Counseling. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 48(3), 419–438.

Schmidt, S., Bauer, P. R., & Trautwein, F.-M. (2024). Neurophenomenology in Action: Integrating the First-Person Perspective into the Libet Experiment. Mindfulness, 15(8), 2048–2061.

Fendel, J. C., Vogt, A., Brandtner, A., & Schmidt, S. (2024). Mindfulness programs for problematic usage of the internet: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 1–27.

Hruby, H., Schmidt, S., Feinstein, J. S., & Wittmann, M. (2024). Induction of altered states of consciousness during Floatation-REST is associated with the dissolution of body boundaries and the distortion of subjective time. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 9316.

Aeschbach, V. M., Fendel, J. C., Göritz, A. S., & Schmidt, S. (2023). Achtsamkeit. In G. Dobler & T. Kasten (Hrsg.), Muße und Mußeforschung (S. 1–9). Mohr Siebeck.

Schmidt, S. (2023). Context matters! What is really tested in an RCT? BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 28(3), 187–188.

Schmidt, S. (2023). Blick in internationale Zeitschriften:
„Effect of an 18-Month Meditation Training…“
Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 69(1), 98–102,

Seuling, P. D., Fendel, J. C., Spille, L., Göritz, A. S., & Schmidt, S. (2023). Therapeutic alliance in videoconferencing psychotherapy compared to psychotherapy in person:
A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 1357633X231161774.

Spille, L., Fendel, J. C., Seuling, P. D., Göritz, A. S., & Schmidt, S. (2023). Open-label placebos — a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies with non-clinical samples. Scientific Reports, 13(1),

Orellana-Rios, C. L., Anton, A., Radbruch, L., & Schmidt, S. (2022). „Mitgefühl ist unser Auftrag“. Implementierung eines Achtsamkeits- und Mitgefühlstrainings in einem Palliativzentrum: Zeitschrift Bewusstseinswissenschaften. Transpersonale Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 28(2), 16-45.

Fendel, J. C., & Schmidt, S. (2022). Mindfulness for internet use disorder: A study protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 12(9), e067357.

Gutiérrez, D. L., Schmidt, S., Meissner, K., & Wittmann, M. (2022). Changes in Subjective Time and Self during Meditation. Biology, 22(11).

Howick, J., Koletsi, D., Ioannidis, J. P. A., Madigan, C., Pandis, N., Loef, M., Walach, H., Sauer, S., Kleijnen, J., Seehra, J., Johnson, T., & Schmidt, S. (2022). Most healthcare interventions tested in Cochrane Reviews are not effective according to high quality evidence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

Aeschbach, V. M., Fendel, J. C., Göritz, A. S., Schulze-Marmeling, C., & Schmidt, S. (2022). The Effects of a Tailored Mindfulness-Based Program on the Positive Mental Health of Resident Physicians – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Mindfulness, 13(5), 1292–1306.

Lau, I., Schaefer, L. M., Brons, S., Koch, F., Utz, F. J., Metodiev, S., Meyer, A.-L., Rapp, N., Lahmann, C., Schmidt, S., & Bauer, P. R. (2022). Alterations in the Experience of Time, Space, and Intersubjectivity and the Interaction with Pre-Existent Psychopathology during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychopathology, 1–13.

Simshäuser, K., Pohl, R., Behrens, P., Schultz, C., Lahmann, C., & Schmidt, S. (2022). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy as Migraine Intervention: A Randomized Waitlist Controlled Trial. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 29(5), 597–609.

Scheidt, C. E., Pfänder, S., Ballati, A., Schmidt, S., & Lahmann, C. (2021).
Language and Movement Synchronization in Dyadic Psychotherapeutic Interaction – A Qualitative Review and a Proposal for a Classification. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 4263.

Loef, M., Walach, H., & Schmidt, S. (2021).
Interrater reliability of ROB2 – an alternative measure and way of categorization. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

Fendel, J. C., Aeschbach, V. M., Schmidt, S., & Göritz, A. S. (2021).
The impact of a tailored mindfulness-based program for resident physicians on distress and the quality of care: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Internal Medicine. (pdf)

Schmidt, S. (2021).
Verkörperte Systeme – Systemische Körper. Familiendynamik, 46(3), 234–243.

Bürkle, J. J., Fendel, J. C., & Schmidt, S. (2021).
Mindfulness-based and acceptance-based programmes in the treatment of obsessive–compulsive disorder: A study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 11(6), e050329.

Schmidt, S., Wölfle, N., Schultz, C., Sielmann, D., Huber, R., & Walach, H. (2021).
Assessment of a taping method combined with manual therapy as a treatment of non-specific chronic low back pain – a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1), 410.

Schmidt, S. (2021).
Replication and Reproducibility. In J.-F. Morin, C. Olsson, & E. Ö. Atikcan (Hrsg.), Research Methods in the Social Sciences: An A-Z of Key Concepts (S. 238–242). Oxford University Press.

Schmidt, S., & Ochs, M. (2021).
Systemische Therapie im Versorgungssystem – Innovationen und Herausforderungen. PiD – Psychotherapie im Dialog, 22(01), 43–47. (zum Download)

Wernsdorff,  M. von, Loef, M., Tuschen-Caffier, B., & Schmidt, S. (2021).
Effects of open-label placebos in clinical trials: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1–14.

Aeschbach, V. M., Fendel, J. C., Schmidt, S., & Göritz, A. S. (2021).
A tailored mindfulness-based program for resident physicians: A qualitative study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 43, 101333.

Wittmann, M., Dietrich, S., Schmidt, S., & Vollmer, T. (2020).
Zeiterleben und Umgang mit Zeit bei Patienten der Onkologie und in der Palliativmedizin. In H. Ewald, K. Vogeley, & R. Voltz (Hrsg.), Palliativ & Zeiterleben (S. 108–129). W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart.

Aeschbach, Vanessa, & Schmidt, S. (2020).
Achtsamkeit. In S. Schinkel, F. Hösel, S.-M. Köhler, A. König, E. Schilling, J. Schreiber, R. Soremski, & M. Zschach (Hrsg.), Zeit im Lebensverlauf. Ein Glossar. transcript, Bielefeld.

Howick, J., Koletsi, D., Pandis, N., Fleming, P. S., Loef, M., Walach, H., Schmidt, S., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2020).
The quality of evidence for medical interventions does not improve or worsen:
A metaepidemiological study of Cochrane reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

Horster, I., Nickel, K., Holovics, L., Schmidt, S., Endres, D., Tebartz van Elst, L., Zeeck, A., Maier, S., & Joos, A. (2020).
A Neglected Topic in Neuroscience: Replicability of fMRI Results With Specific Reference to ANOREXIA NERVOSA. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11.

Fendel, J. C., Aeschbach, V. M., Göritz, A. S., & Schmidt, S. (2020).
A Mindfulness Program to Improve Resident Physicians’ Personal and Work-Related Well-being: A Feasibility Study. Mindfulness, 11(6), 1511–1519.

Aeschbach, V. M.-J., Fendel, J. C., Göritz, A. S., & Schmidt, S. (2020).
Mindfulness-based programme for residents: Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 10(3), e035025.

Witowska, J., Schmidt, S., & Wittmann, M. (2020).
What happens while waiting? How self-regulation affects boredom and subjective time during a real waiting situation. Acta Psychologica, 205, 103061.

Simshäuser, K., Lüking, M., Kaube, H., Schultz, C., & Schmidt, S. (2020).
Is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction a Promising and Feasible Intervention for Patients Suffering from Migraine? A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Complementary Medicine Research, 27(1), 19–30.

Schmidt, S. (2020).
Direkte mentale Interaktionen: Ein Labor für parapsychologische Experimente.
In D. Vaitl (Ed.), An den Grenzen unseres Wissens (pp. 274–289). Herder Verlag, Freiburg

Schmidt, S., & Vaitl, D. (2020).
Mind-Maschine Interaction Consortium. In D. Vaitl (Ed.), An den Grenzen unseres Wissens (pp. 289–295). Herder Verlag, Freiburg

Winter, U., LeVan, P., Borghardt, T. L., Akin, B., Wittmann, M., Leyens, Y., & Schmidt, S. (2020).
Content-Free Awareness: EEG-fcMRI Correlates of Consciousness as Such in an Expert Meditator. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 3064.

Luong, M. T., Gouda, S., Bauer, J., & Schmidt, S. (2019).
Exploring Mindfulness Benefits for Students and Teachers in Three German High Schools. Mindfulness, 10(12), 2682–2702.

Kornmeier, J., Friedel, Evelyn., Hecker, L., Schmidt, S., & Wittmann, M. (2019).
What happens in the brain of meditators when perception changes but not the stimulus? PLOS ONE, 14(10), e0223843.

Jo, H.-G., Habel, U., & Schmidt, S. (2019).
Role of the supplementary motor area in auditory sensory attenuation. Brain Structure and Function.

Fendel, J., Schmidt, S., Aeschbach, V., & Göritz, A. S. (2019).
Achtsamkeit und Muße für ein gelingendes ärztliches Handeln. zaenmagazin, 02/19, 54–57.

Linares Gutiérrez, D., Pfeifer, E., Schmidt, S., & Wittmann, M. (2019).
Meditation Experience and Mindfulness Are Associated with Reduced Self-Reported Mind-Wandering in Meditators—A German Version of the Daydreaming Frequency Scale. Psych, 1(1), 193–206.

Linares Gutierrez, D., Kübel, S., Giersch, A., Schmidt, S., Meissner, K., & Wittmann, M. (2019).
Meditation-Induced States, Vagal Tone, and Breathing Activity Are Related to Changes in Auditory Temporal Integration. Behavioral Sciences, 9(5), 51.

Schmidt, S. (2019).
Meditation und Achtsamkeitspraxis als Demenzprävention – Konzepte und Befunde. In H. Walach & M. Loef (Hrsg.), Demenz– €”Prävention und Therapie    Ein Handbuch der komplementärmedizinischen und nichtmedikamentösen Verfahren (S. 153–174). KVC Verlag.

Jo, H.-G., Naranjo, J. R., Hinterberger T., Winter U., Schmidt, S. (2019)
Phase synchrony in slow cortical potentials is decreased in both expert and trained novice meditators, Neuroscience Letters

Schmidt, S., Jo, H.-G., Wittmann, M., Ambach, W., & Kübel, S. (2019).
Remote meditation support – a multimodal distant intention experiment. EXPLORE, 15(5), 334–339.

Pietza, M., Walach, H., & Schmidt, S. (2018).
Quantum Healing – A Super-Placebo? A Randomised Controlled Study in Patients with Affective Problems. International Journal of Psychotherapy, 22(2), 5–20.

Brummer, M., Walach, H., & Schmidt, S. (2018).
Feldenkrais ‘functional integration’ increases body pressure: A randomised-controlled experimental study. Frontiers in Psychology,9.

Röhricht, J., Jo, H.-G., Wittmann, M., & Schmidt, S. (2018).
Exploring the maximum duration of the contingent negative variation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 128, 52–61.

Walach, H., Schmidt, S., & Wittmann, M. (2018).
Neurobiological principles of osteopathy. In J. Mayer & C. Standen (eds.), Textbook of Osteopathic Medicine (pp. 127–135). München: Urban & Fischer.

Schmidt, S. (2017).
Replication. In M. C. Makel & J. A. Plucker (Eds.),
Toward a More Perfect Psychology: Improving Trust, Accuracy, and Transparency in Research (pp. 233–253). Washington; DC: American Psychological Association.

Orellana-Rios, C. L., Radbruch, L., Kern, M., Regel, Y. U., Anton, A., Sinclair, S., & Schmidt, S. (2017).
Mindfulness and compassion-oriented practices at work reduce distress and enhance self-care of palliative care teams: a mixed-method evaluation of an “on the job“ program. BMC Palliative Care, 17, 3.

Jo, H.-G., Malinowski, P., & Schmidt, S. (2017).
Frontal Theta Dynamics during Response Conflict in Long-Term Mindfulness Meditators. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11.

Mothes, H., Leukel, C., Jo, H.-G., Seelig, H., Schmidt, S., & Fuchs, R. (2017).
Expectations affect psychological and neurophysiological benefits even after a single bout of exercise. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 40(2), 293-306.

Märtens, D., Range, N., Günnewich, N., Gruber, N., & Schmidt, S. (2017).
Homöopathisch-phytotherapeutische Behandlung des Reizdarmsyndroms mit Magen-Darm-Entoxin N®: Eine Anwendungsbeobachtung. Complementary Medicine Research, 24(3), 147–152.

Grossman, P., Deuring, G., Walach, H., Schwarzer, B., & Schmidt, S. (2017).
Mindfulness-based Intervention does not Influence Cardiac Autonomic Control or Pattern of Physical Activity in Fibromyalgia During Daily Life: An Ambulatory, Multi-measure Randomized Controlled Trial. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 33, 385–394.

Schmidt, S. (2017).
Einführung in das Konzept der Achtsamkeit. In K. Ensinger, E. Simminger, M. Wurster, A. W. Mues, & N. Wiersbinski (Hrsg.), Naturerleben und Achtsamkeit (S. 12–26). Abgerufen von

Wetzel, H., & Schmidt, S. (2017).
Praxis der Achtsamkeit. In K. Ensinger, E. Simminger, M. Wurster, A. W. Mues, & N. Wiersbinski (Hrsg.), Naturerleben und Achtsamkeit (S. 28–42). Abgerufen von

Esch, T., Winkler, J., Auwärter, V., Gnann, H., Huber, R., & Schmidt, S. (2017).
Neurobiological Aspects of Mindfulness in Pain Autoregulation: Unexpected Results from a Randomized-Controlled Trial and Possible Implications for Meditation Research. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10.

Walach, H., Schmidt, S., & Wittmann, M. (2017).
Neurobiologische Grundlagen der Osteopathie. In Lehrbuch Osteopathische Medizin (1. Auflage, S. 135–143). München: Elsevier.

Schmidt, S. (2016).
Eine systemische Perspektive auf die Praxis der Achtsamkeit. Kontext: Zeitschrift für Systemische Therapie und Familientherapie, 47(3), 335–353. (pdf)

Hartwig, B., Schmidt, S., & Hartwig, I. (2016).
COPD und Klangtherapie: Pilotstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung mit Körpertambura bei COPD-Patienten. Forschende Komplementärmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine, 23(4), 240–244.

Trautwein, F.-M., Naranjo, J. R., & Schmidt, S. (2016).
Decentering the self? Preliminary evidence for changes in self- vs. other related processing as a long-term outcome of loving-kindness meditation. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.

Schmidt, S., Kaestle, H.-J., & Steinhausen, U. (2016).
Homeopathic-Spagyric Therapy of Acute and Uncomplicated Rhinosinusitis: An Observational Trial on Symptom Severity in 2 General Practitioner Surgeries.
Forschende Komplementärmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine, 23
(5), 303–305.

Schmidt, S., Jo, H.-G., Wittmann, M., & Hinterberger, T. (2016).
‚Catching the waves’ – slow cortical potentials as moderator of voluntary action. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 68, 639–650.

Schmidt, S., & Walach, H. (2016).
Making Sense in the Medical System: Placebo, Biosemiotics and the Pseudomachine. In F. Goli (Hrsg.), Biosemiotic Medicine.Healing in the World of Meaning (S.195–215). Heidelberg: Springer.

Gouda, S., Luong, M. T., Schmidt, S., & Bauer, J. (2016).
Students and Teachers Benefit from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in a School-Embedded Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 590.

Jo, H.-G., Hinterberger, T., Wittmann, M., & Schmidt, S. (2016).
Rolandic beta-band activity correlates with decision time to move. Neuroscience Letters, 616, 119–124.

Schmidt, S. (2016).
Shall We Really Do It Again? The Powerful Concept of Replication Is Neglected in theSocial Sciences. In A. E. Kazdin (Hrsg.), Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research, Fourth Edition (S. 581–596). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hinterberger, T., von Haugwitz, A., & Schmidt, S. (2016).
Does a Healing Procedure Referring to Theta Rhythms Also Generate Theta Rhythms in the Brain? The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 22(1), 66–74.

Jo, H.-G., Schmidt, S., Inacker, E., Markowiak, M., & Hinterberger, T. (2016).
Meditation and attention: A controlled study on long-term meditators in behavioral performance and event-related potentials of attentional control.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 99, 33–39.

Schötz, E., Otten, S., Wittmann, M., Schmidt, S., Kohls, N., & Meissner, K. (2016).
Time perception, mindfulness and attentional capacities in transcendental meditators and matched controls. Personality and Individual Differences, 93, 16–21.

Illmer, I., & Schmidt, S. (2015).
Homeopathic spagyric treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infection – an uncontrolled observational study. In M. Loef, S. Schmidt, & H. Walach (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch 2014: AktuelleForschungsberichte aus dem IntraG (S. 23–46). Essen: Natur und Medizin.

Schmidt, S., Gmeiner, S., Schultz, C., Löwer, M., Kuhn, K., Naranjo, J. R., Hinterberger,T.(2015).
Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) as treatment for chronic back pain – An observational study with assessment of thalamocortical dysrhythmia. ForschendeKomplementärmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine, 22(5), 298–303.

Otten, S., Schötz, E., Wittmann, M., Kohls, N., Schmidt, S., & Meissner, K. (2015). Psychophysiology of duration estimation in experienced mindfulness meditators and matched controls. Frontiers in Psychology, 1215.

Schmidt, S. (2015).
Experimental Research on Distant Intention Phenomena. In E. Cardeña, J. Palmer, & D. Marcusson-Clavertz (Hrsg.), Parapsychology: A Handbook for the 21st Century(S.244–257). Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.

Wittmann, M., Jo, H.-G., Hinterberger, T., & Schmidt, S. (2015).
Wille und Hirn. Eine Neuinterpretation des frühen Bereitschaftspotentials im Libet-Experiment. Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, 15, 7–20. (PDF)

Schmidt, S. (2015).
Wille und Hirn. Eine Neuinterpretation des frühen Bereitschaftspotentials im Libet-Experiment.. In B. Hölzel & C. Brähler (Hrsg.), Achtsamkeit mitten im Leben: Anwendungsgebiete und wissenschaftliche Perspektiven (S. 21–42). München: O. W. Barth.

Naumann, J., Bureau, N., Schmidt, S., Sadaghiani, C., & Huber, R. (2015).
A single center three-arm parallel-group, randomized controlled study to evaluate antihypertensive effects of frequent immersion in thermoneutral water.
International Journal of Cardiology, 188, 73–75.

Orellana, C., & Schmidt, S. (2015).
Achtsamkeit und Selbstfürsorge als Ressourcen in der Pflege. Konzeption, Studienlage und Evaluation eines in den Arbeitsalltag integrierten Ansatzes. Onkologische Pflege, 5(1), 40–46.

Jo, H.-G., Hinterberger, T., Wittmann, M., & Schmidt, S. (2015).
Do meditators have higher awareness of their intentions to act? Cortex, 65, 149–158.

Schmidt, S. (2015).
Der Weg der Achtsamkeit. Vom historischen Buddhismus zur modernen Bewusstseinskultur. In B. Hölzel & C. Brähler (Hrsg.), Achtsamkeit mitten im Leben: Anwendungsgebiete und wissenschaftliche Perspektiven (S. 21–42). München: O. W. Barth.

Schmidt, S. (2015).
Experimentelle Psi-Forschung. In G. Mayer, M. Schetsche, I. Schmied-Knittel, & D. Vaitl (Hrsg.), An den Grenzen der Erkenntnis. Handbuch der wissenschaftlichen Anomalistik (S. 103–121).Stuttgart: Schattauer

Schmidt, S. (2015).
Theoretische Erklärungsmodelle für Psi-Effekte. In G. Mayer, M. Schetsche, I. Schmied-Knittel, & D. Vaitl (Hrsg.), An den Grenzen der Erkenntnis. Handbuch der wissenschaftlichen Anomalistik (S. 88–100).Stuttgart: Schattauer

Wittmann, M.; Otten, S.; Schötz, E.; Sarikaya, A.; Lehnen, H.; Jo, H.G.; Kohls, N.M Schmidt, S. & Meissner, K (2015).
Subjective expansion of extended time-spans in experienced meditators.
Frontiers in Psychology, (5) 1586, 1-9. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01586 (PDF).

Mothes, H., Klaperski, S., Seelig, H., Schmidt, S., & Fuchs, R. (2014).
Regular aerobic exercise increases dispositional mindfulness in men:
A randomized controlled trial. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 7(2), 111–119.

Cardena, E., Bem. D., Carr, B., Cloninger, C.R., Jahn, R.G., Josephson, B., Zucco, A. (2014).
A call for an open, informed study of all aspects of consciousness.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:(17), 1–4. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00017

Walach H, Schmidt S, & Esch T. (2014).
Meditation intervention reviews. JAMA Internal Medicine, 174(7), 1193–1194. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.1422

Jo, H.-G., Wittmann, M., Hinterberger, T., & Schmidt, S. (2014).
The readiness potential reflects intentional binding. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8. (PDF)

Schmidt, S. (2014).
Was ist Achtsamkeit? Herkunft, Praxis und Konzeption. Sucht, 60(1), 13–19.Jo, H.-G.,

Wittmann, M., Borghardt, T. L., Hinterberger, T., & Schmidt, S. (2014).
First-person approaches in neuroscience of consciousness: Brain dynamics correlate with the intention to act. Consciousness and Cognition, 26, 105–116. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2014.03.004

Wittmann, M., & Schmidt, S. (2014).
Mindfulness Meditation and the Experience of Time. In S. Schmidt, & H. Walach (Hrsg.), Meditation- Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications (S. 199–210).
New York: Springer.

Wittmann, M., & Schmidt, S. (2014).
Mindfulness Meditation and the Experience of Time. In S. Schmidt, & H. Walach (Eds.), Meditation- Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications S. 199–210.
New York: Springer. (pdf)

Trautwein, F. M., Naranjo, J. R., & Schmidt, S. (2014).
Meditation Effects in the Social Domain: Self-Other Connectedness as a General Mechanism? In S. Schmidt & H. Walach (Eds.), Meditation- Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications (S. 175–198). New York: Springer. (pdf)

Schmidt, S., & Walach, H. (2014).
Introduction: Laying out the Field of Meditation Research. In S. Schmidt & H. Walach (Eds.), Meditation- Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications (S. 1–6). New York: Springer. Abstract

Schmidt, S. (2014).
Opening up Meditation for Science: The Development of a Meditation Classification System. In S. Schmidt & H. Walach (Eds.), Meditation- Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications (S. 137–152). New York: Springer. Abstract

Lauche, R., Cramer, H., Dobos, G., Langhorst, J., and Schmidt, S. (2013).
A systematic review and meta-analysis of mindfulness-based stress reducion for the fibromyalgia syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, (75), 500–510. (pdf)

Schmidt, S. (2013).
Alles Placebo? Die Debatte um die Komplementärmedizin. In Erfahrungsmedizin im Wandel der Zeit (S. 322–339). Münster: Thiekötter.

Schmidt, S. (2013).
„Achtsamkeit“. Ein buddhistisches Konzept erobert die moderne Gesundheitsforschung. Freiburger Universitätsblätter, 201, 107–126.Jo, H.-G., Hinterberger, T., Wittmann, M.,

Borghardt, T. L., & Schmidt, S. (2013).
Spontaneous EEG fluctuations determine the readiness potential: is preconscious brain activation a preparation process to move? Experimental Brain Research, 1–6.

Schmidt, S. (2013).
Passen Achtsamkeit und Achtsamkeitsforschung zueinander? Eine kritische Reflexion. Bewusstseinswissenschaften, 19(1), 37–42.

Sheidt, C. E., Waller, E., Endorf, K., Schmidt,S., König, R., Zeeck, A., Lacour, M. (2013).
Is brief psychodynamic psychotherapy in primary fibromyalgia syndrome with concurrent depression an effective treatment? A randomized controlled trial. General hospital psychiatry, 35, 160–167. (PDF)

Lo Re, M., Schmidt, S., & Güthlin, C. (2012).
Translation and adaptation of an international questionnaire to measure usage of complementary and alternative medicine (I-CAM-G). BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 12, 259.

Schmidt, S. (2012).
Die Fliege des Aristoteles. Bemerkungen zur Anomalistik und eine Forschungsübersicht zum Zusammenhang zwischen Meditation und Psi. Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, 12, 158–178.

Schmidt, S., Conrad, P., & Walach, H. (2012).
Ein ASW-Experiment mit einem Hohlspiegel. Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, 12, 297–308.

Belzer, F., Schmidt, S., Lucius-Hoene, G., Schneider, J. F., Orellana Rios, C. L., & Sauer, S. (2012).
Challenging the construct validity of mindfulness assessment. A cognitive interviewingstudy of the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory. Mindfulness, DOI10.1007/s1267101201657.

Sauer, S., Walach, H., Schmidt, S., Hinterberger, T., Lynch, S., Büssing, A., & Kohls, N. (2012).
Assessment of mindfulness: review on state of the art. Mindfulness,
DOI 10.1007/s1267101201225.

Naranjo, J. R., & Schmidt, S. (2012).
Is it me or not me? Modulation of perceptual-motor awareness and visuomotor
perfomance by mindfulness meditation. BMC Neuroscience, 13(1), 88. (pdf)

Schmidt, S. (2012).
Achtsamkeit bei Schmerzen. In M. Zimmerman, C. Spitz, & S. Schmidt (Hrsg.), Achtsamkeit. Ein buddhistisches Konzept erobert die Wissenschaft – mit einem Beitrag S.H. des Dalai Lama (S. 115–134). Bern: Hans Huber.

Schmidt, S., & Kupper, Z. (2012).
German Contributions to Mindfulness Research, Part 1: Context and Concept of Mindfulness. Mindfulness, 3(3), 171–173.

Schmidt, S. (2012).
Muss man alles wiederholen? – Eine kritische Analyse des Replikationsbegriffs in der modernen Wissenschaft. In W. Ambach (Hrsg.), Experimentelle Psychophysiologie in Grenzgebieten. Würzburg: Ergon.

Schmidt, S. (2012).
Can We Help Just by Good Intentions? A Meta-Analysis of Experiments on Distant Intention Effects. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 18(6),29–533.(PDF)

Schmidt, S. (2012).
What meditation can do: mental health and exceptional experiences. In C.Simmonds-Moore (Hrsg.), Exceptional Experience and Health. Essays on Mind, Body
and Human Potential (S. 113–130). Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.

Schmidt, S., Naranjo, J. R., Brenneisen, C., Gundlach, J., Schultz, C., Kaube, H., Jeanmonod, D. (2012).
Pain ratings, psychological functioning and quantitative EEG in a controlled study of chronic back pain patients. PLos ONE, 7(3), e31138. PDF

Brand, S., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Naranjo Muradás, J. R., & Schmidt, S. (2012).
Influence of mindfulness practice on cortisol and sleep in long-term and short-term meditators. Neuropsychobiology, 65, 109–118.

Schmidt, S. (2011).
Mindfulness in east and west – is it the same? In: H. Walach, S. Schmidt and W. B. Jonas (Eds.), Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality (pp. 23-38).

Sauer, S., Walach, H., Schmidt, S., Hinterberger, T., Horan, M. and Kohls, N. (2011). Implicit and explicit emotional behavior and mindfulness. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 1558-1569.

Schmidt, S. (2011).
Achtsamkeit und gesunde Lebensführung. In: H.-W. Hoefert and C. Klotter (Eds.), Gesunde Lebensführung – kritische Analyse eines populären Konzepts
(pp. 192-208). Bern: Hans Huber.

Schmidt, S., Grossman, P., Schwarzer, B., Jena, S., Naumann, J. and Walach, H. (2011). Treating fibromyalgia with mindfulness based stress reduction – results from a three-armed randomized controlled trial. Pain, 152, 361-369.

Schmidt, S. (2010).
Kruskal-Wallis Test. In: N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Research Design (pp. 673-676). Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage.

Walach, H. and Schmidt, S. (2010).
Non Classical Experimenter Effects. In: N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Research Design (pp. 907-909). Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage.

Müller, S., Schmidt, S. and Walach, H. (2009).
The feeling of being stared at – a parapsychological classic with a facelift. European Journal of Parapsychology, 24, 117-138.

Walach, H., Kohls, N., Stillfried, N., Hinterberger, T., Schmidt, S. (2009).
Spirituality: The Legacy of Parapsychology. Archives of the Psychology of Religion, 31, 277-308. (PDF)

Schmidt, S. (2009).
Shall we really do it again? The powerful concept of replication is neglected in the social sciences. Review of General Psychology, 13, 90-100. (PDF)

Schmidt, S., Erath, D., Ivanova, V., Walach, H. (2009).
Do you know who is calling? Experiments on anomalous cognition in phone call receivers. The Open Psychology, 2, 12-18. (PDF)

Hinterberger, T., Mochty, U., Schmidt, S., Erath, L.-M., Walach, H. (2008). EEG-Korrelationen zwischen räumlich entfernten Paaren. Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, 8, 55-75. (PDF)

Schmidt, S. (2008).
Bohrende Blicke? Stechende Blicke? Das Phänomen der ‚Blickwahrnehmung‘ wissenschaftlich untersucht. Zeitschrift für Anomalistik,8 , 32-54. (PDF)

Schmidt, S. (2008).
Aristotle’s Fly – Remarks on Anomaly Research and a review on the relationship between meditation and Psi. Behind and Beyond the Brain. 7th Symposium of the Bial Foundation 2008. Emotions. Proceedings (pp. 73-95). Porto: Fundaçao Bial. (PDF)

Walach, H., Buchheld, N., Buttenmüller, V., Kleinknecht, N. Schmidt, S. (2006).
Measuring mindfulness — the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI). Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 1543-1555. (PDF)

Walach, H. Schmidt, S. (2005).
Repairing Plato’s Life Boat with Ockham’s Razor. The Important Function of Research in Anomalies for Mainstream Science. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12, 52-70. (Seite)

Schmidt, S. (2005).
Comments on Sheldrake’s ‚The Sense of Being Stared At‘. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12, 105-108. (PDF)

Schmidt, S. (2004).
Mindfulness and healing intention: concepts, practice, and research evaluation. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10, S-7-S-14. (PDF)

Schmidt, S., Buchheld, N., Niemann, L., Grossman, P. Walach, H. (2004).
Achtsamkeit und Achtsamkeitsmeditation. Die Erfassung des Konstruktes und seine klinische Bedeutung. In: C. Zwingmann H. Moosbrugger, Religiosität: Messverfahren und Studien zu Gesundheit und Lebensbewältigung. Neue Beiträge zur Religionspsychologie
(S. 157-183). Münster: Waxmann.

Grossman, P., Niemann, L., Schmidt, S. Walach, H. (2004).
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits: A meta-analysis.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 57, 35-43. (PDF)

Grossman, P., Niemann, L., Schmidt, S. Walach, H. (2004).
Ergebnisse einer Metaanalyse zur Achtsamkeit als klinischer Intervention. In: T. Heidenreich J. Michalak (Hrsg.), Achtsamkeit und Akzeptanz in der Psychotherapie(S. 701-725). Tübingen: DGVT-Verlag. (PDF)

Walach, H., Buchheld, N., Buttenmüller, V., Kleinknecht, N. Schmidt, S. (2004).
Empirische Erfassung der Achtsamkeit – Die Konstruktion des Freiburger Fragebogens zur Achtsamkeit (FFA) und weitere Validierungsstudien. In: T. Heidenreich J. Michalak (Hrsg.), Achtsamkeit und Akzeptanz in der Psychotherapie (S. 727-770). Tübingen: DGVT-Verlag. (PDF)

Müller, S., Schmidt, S. Walach, H. (2006).
Remote staring detected by conscious and psychophysiological variables. Combining and improving two successful paradigms. The PA 49th Convention. Proceedings of presented papers (pp. 85-99). (PDF)

Schmidt, S., Schneider, R., Utts, J.M. Walach, H. (2004).
Distant Intentionality and the Feeling of Being Stared At – Two Meta-Analyses.
British Journal of Psychology, 95, 235-247. (PDF)

Schmidt, S., Müller, S. Walach, H. (2004).
Do you know who is on the phone? Replication of an experiment on telephone telepathy. The PA 47th Annual Convention, August, 5-8, 2004 (pp. 245-254). Durham, NC. (PDF)

Hinterberger, T., Schmidt, S., Neumann, N., Mellinger, J., Blankertz, B., Curio, G. Birbaumer, N. (2004).
Brain-computer communication and slow cortical potentials. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 51, 1011-1018. (PDF)

Schneider, R., Schmidt, S., Binder, M., Schaefer, F. Walach, H. (2003).
Respiration related artifacts in EDA recording: Introducing a standardized method to overcome multiple interpretations. Psychological Reports, 93, 907-920.

Schmidt, S. (2003).
Direct mental interaction with living systems (DMILS). In: W.B. Jonas C.C. Crawford (Eds.), Healing, intention and energy medicine: Research and clinical implications (pp. 23-38). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

Distant healing intention: definitions and evolving guidelines for laboratory studies. Alternative Therapies in Health an Medicine, 9, A31-A43.

Walach, H., Schmidt, S., Schneider, R., Seiter, C. Bösch, H. (2002).
Melting boundaries: Subjectivity and intersubjectivity in the light of parapsychological data. European Journal of Parapsychology, 17, 72-96.

Walach, H., Schmidt, S., Dirhold, T. Nosch, S. (2002).
The Effects of a caffeine placebo and suggestion on blood pressure, heart rate, wellbeing and cognitive performance: Analysis of difficulties with reproducing.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 43, 247-260. (PDF)

Walach, H., Schmidt, S., Wiesch, S. Bihr, N. (2001).
The Effects of Subject and Experimenter Expectation on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Wellbeing and Cognitve Performance: A Failure to Reproduce. European Psychologist, 6, 15-25.

Schmidt, S., Tippenhauer, G. Walach, H. (2001).
Connectedness Between Participants in an Experiment on Distant Intention. The PA 44th Annual Convention. Proceedings of Presented Papers (pp. 285-300).

Durham, NC.Schmidt, S., Schneider, R., Binder, M., Bürkle, D. Walach, H. (2001). Investigating Methodological Issues in EDA-DMILS: Results from a Pilot Study.
Journal of Parapsychology, 65, 59-82. (Vorschau)

Schmidt, S. Walach, H. (2000).
Electrodermal Activity (EDA) – State of the Art Measurement and Techniques for Parapsychological Purposes. Journal of Parapsychology, 64, 139-163. (PDF)

Schmidt, S. Walach, H. (2000).
Elektrodermale Aktivität (EDA) – Adäquate Methoden und Techniken in der experimentellen Parapsychologie. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 42/43, 38-64.

Schmidt, S. (1999).
Überblick über den Stand der Forschung in der experimentellen Parapsychologie. In: G. Krampen, H. Zayer, W. Schönpflug G. Richardt, Beiträge zur angewandten Psychologie.
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Walach, H. Schmidt, S. (1997).
Empirical Evidence for a Non-Classical Experimenter Effect. An Experimental, Double-Blind Investigation of Unconventional Information Transfer. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 11, 59-68.

Schmidt, S. Walach, H. (1997).
Wasser oder Gift? Das Freiburger Wünschelrutenexperiment. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 39, 76-91.

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Bücher/ Books

Wittmann, M., Dietrich, S., Schmidt, S., & Vollmer, T. (2020).
Zeiterleben und Umgang mit Zeit bei Patienten der Onkologie und in der Palliativmedizin. In H. Ewald, K. Vogeley, & R. Voltz (Hrsg.), Palliativ & Zeiterleben (S. 108–129). W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart.

Schmidt, S. (2020).
Auf einmal ist alles achtsam. In J. Gruber & D. Vogel (Hrsg.), Achtsamkeit Für  Selbstwirksamkeit, Resilienz und Partizipation: Bd. Achtsamkeit (S. 24–27). verlag das netz.

Ebersbach, R., & Schmidt, S. (2019).
Das Bereitschaftspotential, das Libet-Experiment und die langsamen Hirnpotentiale: Ein neurophänomenologischer Blick auf den freien Willen. In R. Ebersbach, M. Kettner, U. Weger, & P. Heusser (Eds.), Freiheit? Freiheitsbewusstsein – Neurowissenschaftliche Tatsachen – Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung. (pp. 39–50). Königshausen & Neumann.

Bauer, J., Figal, G., Gouda, S., Gourdain, S., Jürgasch, T., Kiefer, A., Kirchner, A., Lenger, A., Luong, M.-T., Schmidt, S., Vollstädt, M. (2016):
Konzepte der Muße In: Konzepte der Muße Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Banzhaf, Harald & Schmidt, Stefan (2015)
Meditieren heilt. Vorbeugen und gesund werden durch Achtsamkeit.Freiburg: Kreuz.

Loef, M., Schmidt, S., & Walach, H. (2015).
Jahrbuch 2014: Aktuelle Forschungsberichte aus dem IntraG. Essen: Natur und Medizin.

Schmidt, Stefan (2014).
Experimentelle Parapsychologie – Eine Einführung. Würzburg: Ergon. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Book Award der Parapsychological Association.

Schmidt, S., & Walach, H. (Eds.). (2014).
Meditation – Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications. New York: Springer.

Loef, Martin; Schmidt, Stefan; Walach, Harald (Hrsg.) (2013)
Aktuelle Forschungsberichte aus dem Intrag. KVC Verlag. Essen

Zimmermann, M., Spitz, C. und Schmidt, S. (Hrsg.). (2012).
Achtsamkeit. Ein buddhistisches Konzept erobert die Wissenschaft
– mit einem Beitrag S.H. des Dalai Lama. Bern: Hans Huber

Walach, H. Schmidt, S.; Jonas, W. (Eds.) (2011).
Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality. Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer

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Herausgegebene Buchreihen: / Issued book series:

Schmidt, S.; Schröder, H. und Walach, H.: Schriftenreihe des Instituts für transkulturelle Gesundheitswissenschaften: Kultur-Medizin-Gesellschaft

Walach, H.; Schmidt, S. and Jonas, W.:
Studies in Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality

Belschner, W.; Schmidt, S. und Walach, H.: Psychologie und Kultur des Bewusstseins Hövelman, G.; Mayer, G.; Schetsche, M. and Schmidt, S.: Perspektiven der Anomalistik

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